Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I miss U


Saturday, August 09, 2008


لست نازياً،

ولم أكره يهودياً،

لكنني أمقت العنصرية.

حاولت إخفاء مشاعري،

حتى لا يتهمني أبناء اليهود،

بعدائي للسامية،

رأف علاء الدين بحالي،

فأهداني بساط الريح،

وأحد مصابيحه السحرية،


وطلبت من ساكن المصباح،

أن يأتيني بطاقية الإخفاء الأسطورية.

غاب الجني لبرهة،

وعاد مثل سهم إلى مرماه،

والإبتسامة تعلو سحنته الرمادية.

شبيك، لبيك،

قال الجني،

ويده ممتدة بطاقية الإخفاء المعنية.


فى ظن أنها ستخفيني،

وتخفى معي أسراري العتيقة المنسية.

فى لحظة،

تلاشى، عن الوجود جسدي كله،

أبتهجت، ضحكت، غمرتني سعادة لا نهائية.

فرحة لم تتم،

فقد أكتشفت أن لساني لم يختف،

وكذا، قلمي اللئيم، المجهول الهوية.

تيقنت فى حينه،

بأن الفرح ومضة،

لكن، الأحزان أبدية.

يا للهول، لا سلطان لي عليهما،

لساني يملى، وقلمي يخط الكلمات،

بواقع حروف الأبجدية العربية.


ورطة عويصة،

أليس هذا هو شر البلية ؟.

وقبل أن أفق من دهشتي،

لاحت للقلم المكابر،

فرصته، السانحة، الذهبية.

فتح قنينة الحبر،

ورشف محتواها لآخر قطرة،

وأنطلق فى ثرثرة سرمدية.

ثملت رأسه، ترنحت ريشته،

ركب صهوة نشوته،

وأنطلق يكتب، بغر وكبر وعنترية.

سارع، هذا الخائن، بإفشاء سري،

الذى حفظته فى كرات دمي،

الجارى سيلها عبر أوردتي القلبية.

أعلن قلمي، فى أوج سكره،

وبخط الرقعة،

بأنني أبغض العنصرية.

وكتب بالخط الكوفي العريض،

إن بني إسرائيل،

من أشد عتاة العنصرية.

لا، لست نازياً،

ولا، لم أكره يهودياً،

لكني، أكره (بشدة)، كل من يؤمن بالعنصرية.

فرج الفاخري-

Monday, August 04, 2008

Arabic Politacl System

I don't believe in what Saif said, but really i liked this caricature, it really shows how Arab governments think

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Libyan Women Again

As usual I start my day by exploring Libyan websites looking for good news, but as usual no good news. I found this article wrote by Mr Khiri Abushaqour who seems he is living in UK for long time as I understood from his article.
His article was as a comment in one of Tansim’s posts about Libyan women. You can read Tansim post in this link, and Khiri article in this link.
First I would like to introduce Tansim for those who don’t know her, Tansim,her sister Dunia and Khalid are Libyan youth who really has potential to be our new journalists, the guys have the potential to be something in Libyan media if they have chance, all of them they totally understand Libyan situation and mentality and they try to make some differences in the way how we are looking to the matters. I totally believe these guys will have a great future in Libya and they will have the power to change things in Libya when the time is due.
Now I need to make our contribution to the debate. As Mr Khiri has made many invalid points in his comment, Mr Khiri as many others still link the bad situation in Libya and the Middle East to the religion. He still believes women wearing hejab by force or because they have lack in their confidence, I’m not sure he got this result.
As far as I know most of girls wear hejab by their own decision no one force them to wear hejab and most of them are successful ladies weather in professional life or academic one. I’m not sure why people always like hejab as a sign of oppression, may be Mr Khiri was affected by western propaganda about how Muslim women are forced to wear hejab which is totally wrong. I invite him to go and see in uk not in Libya what the percentage of Libyan girls living in uk are wearing hejab with their decision (keep in mind no one can force you to anything in uk otherwise you will be in treble).
He said ” Statistically and factually, Libyan women today, in general, are oppressed, prudish and backward thinking as opposed to free, open-minded and forward thinking”. Also I don’t know from where he got this result, in any normal society if the women are backward thinking this mean men are backward thinking as well because both of them in the same boat and the same condition, we can not imagine a healthy society by one wing, this lead us to an obvious result which is the bad situation of Libyan women is because they are part of the society not because they are just women, and he referred to that in his article by saying “In the 70s, women were in a much better state in terms of their aspirations and achievements” it is obvious as well this was the situation in Libya as whole women and men not just women because the political situation in that time. This point lead to me to assume Mr Khiri has left libya in 70s and that can explain why he see hejab as strange thing, that’s because the numbers of Libyan wearing hejab(in today view) in Libya was nearly zero, I have an old addition of AL-Arabi (Kuwaiti Magazine) in 1968 shows Libyan girl students wear miniskirt in the secondary school which was normal that days, but doesn’t exist now because of the Islamic awareness that exist today not because they forced to. As you may know Islamic awareness starts in middle of 80s and spread after that, where Mr Khiri was living away from Libya.
In my point of view Libyan women have all the right in Libya, they can work, drive, travel and if there is a problem is because of the traditional habits not because of the religion.
Finally: I’d like to focus on these points
Wearing hejab doesn’t mean the woman or the girl are oppressed.
The religion is not bad thing, but how you explain your believes is the danger and critical thing, we should blame people not the religion.
I have one question to Mr Khiri please explain to me why Turkish women are fighting to wear hejab? Do they like to be oppressed?
I ask all the Libyan blogger girls (Lebeeya, WA, CM, enlightened spirit,Ameera ….etc) to explain their ideas and views about this subject doesn't matter you wear hejab or not to explain to Mr Khiri or me who has a wrong undersatnding of the subject.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thanks Google

I really would like to thank Google, if i can i'd kiss (him, it) I'm not sure which one i should use
Google helps me to find my childhood best friend, who i didn't see him for 14 years. Salem was living in Libya till 1994 when Qaddafi decide to send all the Palestinian people to Gaza and west bank, since that day i lost the contact with him, the last time we were in the last year in the secondary school and he got 96% as result, Libyan government refused to let him study in Libyan university because Qaddafi decision. anyway since that time i lost the connection with him. I tried many times in the last years to get his contact details but i failed.one day i decide to search about his name and i found one blog belongs to his tribe, i wrote a line asking about him and if anybody could send me his contact details, this was last January, since that i didn't hear anything, but yesterday when i open my email, i found an email from him, walhi i couldn't describe my feeling (i thought i don't have feelings) what surprise, in 3 hours we exchange 24 emails, and after that i spoke with in the phone, he is living in Gaza now and he is a lecturer in Gaza university. now i really think to go to Gaza I'm not sure how but i believe i should do.
this sketch is one of his sketches , he is a very talent guy
Thanks Google again

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

بورقيبة و ليبيا

فى عهد سيدنا ادم لانقانك صدقت

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Road to Iraq

I read this article yesterday, the article is very well written and I think it analyzed the subject in fair way, as you may read this articles, it investigates why the majority of Arab fighters (Mujahadeen) in Iraq between 2006 till 2007 were from Derna. Libya was the second source of the Mjahadeen after Saudi Arabia, but Derna was the first as a city followed by Mecca to supply Iraq war by Majaheedn, and I believe if I still remember Benghazi was the third city in the list. The good thing in this article is that, it shows that how wrong were the western political analysts who tend to say Muslims go to Jihad just because they are poor as the first reason and they try to escape from their bad situation and the second because they are sexually frustrated and after dieing in the war they will marry 72 virgin women in the same time. Well these childish explanations are one of the reasons why the war last till know and we don't know when it will finish and how it will finish. From these points the value of this article comes, the writer himself talk and investigate the Mjahadeen's families and reaches to conclusion is that this guys never went there because they are poor or sexually frustrated but because they have faith in their religion and to defend their people, I think these article must be send to US administration, CIA , and the American army in Iraq, to understand one thing as far as they stay in Iraq as far as Mjahadeen from Derna, Tunisia, Cairo, Jadha, Birmingham, London and New York as well, will come every day to fight them. As far as the article is good in general as far as I feel offended in two times, first when he say women from eastern Libya go to west Libya to work as prostitutes to feed their families which I believe he was given wrong information, I don't say there aren't any prostitutes in eastern Libya, but the way he mentioned was unfair and unacceptable at least for me, and the second one I believe he creates the story from his mind when he said one father of these guys promise him if he bring his son back from Iraq he will slaughter a camel for him, as I know in eastern Libya when we promise we promise to slaughter sheep not camel, which I believe it comes from his western image about Arab life they think Arab life is depending on three main things, oil, camels and four wives.

This is the English Versoin of the article
Finally I think this poem can explain why the guys might go to Iraq

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Monday, March 31, 2008

Funny leader

وأضاف الزعيم الليبي أن أهم ما في القمة العشرين أن "هناك اعترافا بوجود خلافات ومشاكل وكراهية وتخاذل بين الدول العربية, الأمر الذي تطلب خلق آلية لتنقية هذه الأجواء ولملمة الصف العربي ونبذ الخلافات".

وحول رأيه بشأن الدول العربية الغائبة عن القمة قال "يجب أن نسأل هذه الدول التي لم تحضر ممن تلقيتم الأوامر لكي لا تحضروا؟ نحن سئلنا لماذا حضرنا فقلنا إننا حضرنا لأنه لم يصلنا أي بلاغ".

I can't control myself from laughing when i read the last line.
we Libyan are very lucky,we have the funniest guy in the world

the copy rights for the picture are reversed to Al-Satour

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Back again to Study

Many Sallams to all of you guys,many thanks to ut, maya, DTD, and Enlightened spirit for their concern and their comments. i was really busy last weeks in finishing my proposal of the PhD, so i'm going to study again ( wa wa wa wa wa wa) i know it will be at least very tough 3 years , i need ur duas to support me and do the best. i was lucky to get the offer from Cranfield university which is one of the best in my field,also i got very good supervisor for my degree who is from Iraq ,to be honest 60 % of the PhD decision belong to his support and motivation,may Allah reward him for his kindness and support. it took from me more than one month to take my decision which i think it's hard decision, cos spending 3 year just on study is adventure especially if u don't have scholarship from anywhere, inshaliha i hope i'll manage and i'll try to get the most of it.

Also i was involved in getting offers and acceptance for master and PhD degrees for the Libyan student who have scholarship from the government. walahi guys it's funny experience,it's amazing how people act, especially Libyans.i got many funny emails and phones u can't believe that can happen, read this email and told me what i should do

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
نحن الطالبتبن سين وصاد من كلية الطب البيطرى جامعة عمر المختار من طرف الاستاذ اكس نحتاج الى قبول اكاديمى فى تخصص التشريح بالنسبة لصاد وعلم الانسجة بالنسبة لسين فى احدى الجامعات البريطانية
ولكم جزيل الشكر
now what i should tell the universities give Ms s and MS y offer of master degree or what .
the other day i got call at 6 am,and directly the call went like this

هى: انت الى ادير فى القبول الاكاديمى
انا: لا مش انا

she call at 6am this mean 8 am in Libya, but she couldn't say good morning or sallam alikum or anything good. there are a lot of funny stories i think it needs one especial post.

this funny experience has brought my attention for many things i wasn't aware of, most of those students are girls i think at least 80 % from the students who contact me, and all of them are singles which make their life more difficult because American and British embassies refuse to give visas to their fathers or brothers ,this bad situation put those poor girls in front 3 difficult choices

1- forget about the scholarship and stay in Libya and lose a big chance to discover the world and gain high qualification from abroad.

2- travel alone which i believe most of families will resist because of our highly respected values. at least 2 students told me that if they can not take her father or brother with her to uk, they will not come alone because it's against the isalm values( which i don't believe).

3- married the first one knock the door just to keep the chance of studying abroad and keep her progress.

now what you think and what you will do if you in that situation,if u r father or brother what u will advice your sister or daughter, and if u r the girl what decision u will take