Saturday, December 30, 2006
Another Bad Day
i still didn't sleep from friday 9am till now Saturday 8pm ,really i feel like my head will explosion,the reason is not because i celebrate Eid ,but because Saddam executed ,it's really shocked me , how these stupid people can do that in EID day ,these stupid people like Almaliki ,Alrubiai,Alhakim and Alseder gave Saddam a big price they make him a HERO,my points are
1- if Saddam kills 600000 in 35 years ,American troops and shia militias killed 750000 in 4 years 2- if Saddam dead now,who will tell us about the facts for Iran war and Kuwait occupation.
3- what's the benefit for Iraqi people now ,they will benefit nothing
4- Saddam was mean nothing since Baghdad was fallen down in 2003
5-Saddam was killing the people not matter are they Sunni or sheai,or Kurdish ,Saddam was killing just to protect his position as a king of Iraq actually he was more than a king,but now people are killed for any reason just because they are Sunni ,do u believe that if ur name is yazid ,moawia,or marwan this mean you will go to the sky in the first class with Almahdi Army Airlines.
6-Saddam was bad leader he destroyed Iraq,but that doesn't mean the new Iraqi leaders is better than him ,at least Saddam build strong army and control the country,but these new stupid leaders are mixture from thieves and killers.
7- Iraqi people deserve Good Leadership better than Alsistani,Alseder,Talibani and Maliki.
8- my last point is I think nobody can stand up like Saddam did today and he knows that he will die after fiew seconds this shows how this man is strong ,he is really an Iraqi brave heart
May Allah forgive every Muslim and Yarhmna ajmaeen
I hope we will not celebrate any Eid in the future in this way
Eid Mabruk for all
Thursday, December 28, 2006
welcome 2007
First of all Eid Mubarak for everybody, I hope the New Year will bring new hope for better goals, and peaceful life.
I think 2006 was a quick year I do remember everyday on 06, to be honest in this year there is a big war or fight between brave heart and himself to adopt a new strategy in this crazy life, I did between 80 to 90% of my goals in o6 which it seems good, but my problem I can’t satisfy easily even I reach my goals, it seems I did nothing, that’s what I feel when I obtain my goals. It’s annoying me it makes me crazy.
For 07 the plan is ready, firstly finish my study which will finish in September, secondly I hope to secure a good job directly after finishing the study, I start to fill the application forms and I’m waiting the interviews.
The big challenge for me is how to pull myself out from watching Aljazeera and Alarabiya TV, believe me these two channels make me crazy ,I can’t leave them and when I watch them I feel sick and hate myself ,do you remember the last time when you heard a good news in Aljazeera or Alarbiya.
Plz pray for all Muslims inTuesday, December 19, 2006
كيف تعرف الليبي ؟
-اذا كان سمعت حد يقول شن الجو, صقع عليك........فهذا بالتاكيد الشخص ليبي
-اذا كان لقيته شاد مكياطة في يد وفي اليد التانية سبسي ....فهذا بالتاكيد الشخص ليبي
-اذا كان عطاك موعد وجاك بعد ساعة او ساعتين ....فهذا بالتاكيد الشخص ليبي
-اذا كان قالك خمسة دقايق وقعد ساعتين.....فهذا بالتاكيد الشخص ليبي
-اذا كان قالك شبوب والنبي ولعة ...والنبي سبسي....فهذا بالتاكيد
الشخص ليبي
-اذا كان لقيت في ايده باكو متكوب عليه رياضي.....فهذا بالتاكيد الشخص ليبي
-كان قالك علي بنت خاطمة مصطلح غريب اول مرة تسمعه... زي بعيصة\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".....فهذا بالتاكيد الشخص ليبي
-وكان قالك شبوب ممكن العكشة.....ولا تعكشلي...فهذا بالتاكيد الشخص ليبي
-كانك علي شط البحر ولقيت واحد رادم دلاعة علي الشط ولا صندوق مشروب .. فهذا بالتاكيد الشخص ليبي
-كان بدي يبي ينكت ....يقولك مرة في واحد .......مع احترامي
فهذا بالتاكيد الشخص ليبي
-كان لقيت واحد يقول للبيجو 404 موديل75 عكارية او قلع ....فهذا بالتاكيد الشخص ليبي
-كان بدي يهدرز علي العائلة الكريمة وقالك الشيباني -علي
بوه-...والعزيز-علي امه -...فهذا بالتاكيد الشخص ليبي
-كان طقطق عليك واحد من الجيران وقالك تسلم عليك امي وقالتلك حكة طماطم ....ولا حكة زيت ...شوية ملح.....فاعلم ان جيرانك ليبين
-كان لقيت بنية صغيرة تغني عيلة ياعيلة...هذي ماتحكش فيها راسك بكل بالتاكيد ليبية
-كان سالت واحد وقلتله شن اكتر اكلة تحبها وقالك بازين..ولا مكرونة امكبكة ....فهذا بالتاكيد الشخص ليبي
في أمان الله
Monday, December 18, 2006
Really I feel sick
I don’t know what’s happen to us ,every day we have disaster ,Iraq, Palestine ,Afghanistan, what happening now in Gaza proof one thing ,we are stupid nation ,and proof that the nation which Allah told us about it is not our current nation ,the nation that kills itself by its hand is not nation ,it is group from selfish and blind people .
What happen inWednesday, December 13, 2006
Awful Application
I’m very tired, I think I filled more that 50 application form in last 2 weeks, it’s too hard process, cos every company has its own criteria ,there are some companies u just send an email with cv and covering letter and another u must fill more than 10 pages of lies. My friend Hamza helps me too mush especially he has imagination mind and this sort of questions needs one like him .the most evil questions are those asking u to write about ur skills and how u can benefit a company, and u must write more than 200 words, imagine that 50 application with at least 5 questions with 200 words these mean I must write 50000 words which PHD, since primary school I don’t like writing especially “Alanshaa w altabeer” and now I find myself forced to fill these awful applications. I hope to get at least one chance from these 50 application to start a new career.In Libya the process is completely different; just bring a photocopy from the certificate, photocopy from the id, and after that it depends on ur luck and ur “wastta”.
I remember when I start my career in
Ohhhhhhh I must let you now, I have another application to fill. If you have any advice tell me plzzzzzzzz
Saturday, December 09, 2006
some old pictures from libya
Monday, December 04, 2006
Believe or not its true
سعودي يكتشف بعد 7 أيام من الزفاف أن عروسه تم تبديلها بأختها
تنظر المحكمة الشرعية في العاصمة السعودية الرياض خلال الأيام القليلة المقبلة، في دعوى رفعها زوج ضد زوجته وعائلتها مطالبا برد مهره البالغ 65 ألف ريال سعودي، وسجن شقيقتها. وتعود أسباب الدعوى لاكتشافه بعد الزواج، أنه اقترن بشقيقة زوجته المفترضة.
ويقول المحامي، مزيد العلوش، الذي يترافع عن الزوج - من مكتب فراج العقلا للمحاماة - إنه نظرا لعادة بعض القبائل بالسعودية التي تمانع أن يرى الخاطب أو الزوج وجه زوجته طيلة حياتها، فضل شاب الاستعانة بوالدته لخطبة إحدى فتيات الأسر المعروفة بتمسكها بتلك العادات.
وقال للعربية.نت: "نظرا لعدم معرفة الأم بعائلة الفتاة، قامت العائلة بعرض فتاتهم الكبرى المتزوجة والتي تتمتع بمواصفات جمالية عالية على الأم، بكونها العروسة، فما أن شاهدتها الأم حتى تمنتها لأبنها الشاب، وتم الزفاف بعد أن قدم العريس لها مهرا يقدر بـ65 ألف ريال، وعندما حضر مأذون الأنكحة وقعت الفتاة الكبرى على موافقتها على الزواج وليكتشف الزوج ووالدته وبعد سبعة أيام من زفافه أن زوجته ماهي إلا أخت الفتاة التي رأتها واستحسنتها كما أنها قامت بتوقيع العقد بدلا منها".
وحاول الزوج بعد ذلك إعادة زوجته إلى منزل عائلتها إلا أنهم رفضوا استلامها خاصة وأنها مكثث لديه 7 أيام بالإضافة إلى أن الفتاة الكبرى التي رآها متزوجة ولديها أطفال.
وتوقع المحامي العلوش أن يأمر القاضي بفسخ العقد نظرا لأنه مبني على باطل وتدليس، مشيرا إلى الألم النفسي الذي أصيبت به العروس خاصة وأنه لم يمض على زواجها أسبوعا.
وقال الزوج "ص,ز" لـ"العربية.نت" إنه تقدم بدعوى للمحكمة بفسخ عقد الزواج وإعادة المهر وسجن ولي أمر زوجته نظرا لاحتيالهم بتزويجه فتاة مختلفة عما أشاروا له بها، بالإضافة إلى أن عروسه ليست جميلة.
وأشار إلى أن والدته لاحظت الاختلاف بين الفتاتين بعد أسبوع من الزفاف وعن طريق عينيها، "حيث أن عادتنا وتقاليدنا تمنع أن يرى أحد وجه زوجته حتى أمي لم أر وجهها للآن، فواجهت عروستي بما عرفت فاعترفت لي بما فعلته أسرتها بتبديلها بأختها الكبرى المتزوجة حتى يتم زواجها خاصة وأنه لم يتقدم لها أحد لخطبتها".
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Help me to decide
Today i've received an e-mail from my parents,mum told me that she find very beutafual girl to get married with her,she send me a picture to take a look on it,and Dad told me that if i accept my Mum offer he will buy one modern car as a gift to me and send me a picture of the car as well.
can you please help me and told me your idea about what i must do ,plzzzzzzz help,these are my expected wife according to my mam and the my Dad car gift
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Klam Alnas
Today I had chat with my best friend in Libya, as usual we chatted about every thing, we are extremely different, if I’m in the east he is in the west, and if he in the east I’m in the west, but he is the only one can understand me and can predict what I will do in next step which I found it amazing,Reda decide to get married next summer but he has as he see a problem and as I see it’s not problem ,his expected wife still in the second year in the university this mean she still have another two years to finish ,and he can’t wait another two years ,I gave him solution get married next summer and let your wife continuous her study, because its her right to finish study and decide after that if she want to work or no, this was my solution, he told me this solution is the worst solution he can accept .guess why ?
Cos he will be a tutor in the same college and is not accept that he work in the same place where his wife study, I asked why? He told me because people's talking.
Ohhhhhh my god how many time we make weight to the people’s views and it was wrong, how many times we did thing against our believe just to take care about what the people say, “klaam alnas” how many times these two words destroyed our life, why we must care about people views if we believe we do the right thing.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
These some pictures of my city, my lover
you will find big hole on the mountain(the green mountain) this is where AL-mojahedon were fighting Italians.
and there picture from Benghazi Arena ,and the much was between Ahli Benghazi vs Ahli Tripoli
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Am I Grandfather?
how i dont know ,but i think this idea started just last month when i started my study ,most of the group were younger than me by 4 or 5 years,most of them are Chinese ,there are very small and they act like children, i'm look like their grand grand father,i used to be the youngest in any group that i join ,secondary school,the university,my firm where i used to work in libya,any event i join usually i'll be the youngest,but now every thing is changed,i'll be 30 after few months and this notion terrify my because i think there are some years were stolen from my life from who i dont know,how they were stolen i dont know,suddenly i realised that there is a big gap from my graduation in 99 till this date when i started my MSc in 06,i worked hard all this years and i did every thing i wish but there isn't anything is tangible,all what i gain is the life experience ,is it enough? i dont think so.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Me , Hamza and Goerge Gallowy
today was good day for me ,i met Mr Gallowy in the uni he came to speak about islamophopia in the west ,one of my friends told me that he(gallowy) was in Libya last month which made me crazy cos i thought he has double standards,to be honest i didn't make sure he was in libya or no .
when the quastions starts ,i asked him how you attack arab dictators and in same time you went to visit Qadhafi in his tent ,he looked to me and smiled and told me please make sure about your information ,i didn't visit libya and i won't ,cos i didn't agree with Qadhafi anymore ,he replied.
for me he was the first western politicans i met ,i met some libyan ,but the differnt point between him and them he was clear about his ideas but for libya they all have foggy ideas ,you cannot know which wing he is left or right.
it was good chance for my friend Hamza who just came from libya just two month ago to work as a doctor here in uk,to speak about politcs without fear ,cos in libya we was just talking with fear from everyone even the traffic police.