I'm very thankful for all who participate in this vote and spend their time on my blog.
For me blogger world is a place when you can find different opinions and different points of view of the same subject. I think our small piece of writing can reflect at least some features of our personality. Through blogger world I restored the faith and the believe in our future as Libyans, I think we have such great personalities which they can make the difference in this life if they have the chance to do that. Giriani, Highlander, Happy, Anglo Libyan, Dunia, Tansim, Ahmed, Ph, Benghazi C, Leebya, Ema , DTD, and White African all of them show the ability to be great leaders (plz Mr Qadafi don’t get me wrong), I think in Libya we need more and more of this kind of people, before I came Uk, my believes was only intelligent people can make the difference but after three years now and with many different experiences I believe only people who have leadership features can make the difference and I think most of you have these features.
Now I'm delight to introduce BH's Award winners for this year 2007:
1-Anglo Libyan (Life Experience is talking) with 30 points
2- Leebya (The next revolution leader)……15 points.
3- Highlander (The true original Libyan mind)…….13 points.
4- Ph (The right information at the right time)……11 points.
5- Happymoi (The hungry of success)…..10 points.
Surprisingly, 3 out of the first 5 winners didn't vote, hope they will do next year inshallah, also I'll add the worst blogger next year:-P ( what you think PH)
Also, I would like to name Giriani as the golden father and Safia as the golden mother, if we have parents like Griani and Safia I think our future will be in bright and in safe hands.
Excellent post, even better than the results themselves :).
and thanks BH for organizing it and be such a great moderator ( sucking up to the judge here :P ) and to everyone who participated .
"plz Mr Qadafi don’t get me wrong"
You're jealous and setting us up, trying to get us killed right ? :P
"also I'll add the worst blogger next year:-P ( what you think PH) "
I don't think that will require a vote :)).
salaam and thanks for the fun
Braveheart :) what lovely feelings you have expressed- it's actually knowing that people like you exist that makes me feel safe about the future.
Many thanks for the award I'm actually speechless and blushing- I think all the Libyan bloggers are such unique minds - but then who is it that said from Libya always comes something new ? :P
Here's towards a successful - safe and bright future to them all
u know what,i'm sure this guy will get me wrong :-P
let us thank Allah he doesn't have blog otherwise Anglolibyan will be in danger situation. ;)
thank so much dear. the guy who said that is the historian man in the world he called Heridet i'm not sure about the spell and he called the father of history as well and he belong to old Athens. i'm not sure what happen to him in Libya to say that ;)
thank you brave heart
I am speechless, this post is touching and I am pleased although many other blogs should have won.
can I explain something, the reason I did not vote was because I was too embarassed to choose a blogger over the other, I jst could not do it since I actually like all of you, I would have voted if it was annonymous through an email where no one saw my pick :o)
I think we are all winners, the proud Libyans, thank you again my dear friend.
mabrook to the winners
great post
happy new year
congratulations to all the winners, and happy new year to brave heart and everyone, my God bless you and all your beloved ones :D
salam BH
great post, well done for the hard work. we only can do our upmost. thanx for the inspiration.
happy new year
I didnt win? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh its not fare :P
BTW i think Anglo is the blogger of the year but after me :P
Fe Aman allah
Mabrook to AngloLibyan and all Libyan bloggers. wish you a happy 2008.. Ghazi
Thanks BH for your kind words and mabrouk folks,. Frankly, two years ago I didn't imagine that this number and quality of Libyan bloggers existed anywhere. Keep going and have fun.
the post is very touching, as ph said even better than the award...
should I explain why I did't vote !???
ok, coz I am new, and I am not following all the libyan bloggers except recently, and I like them all, and as my reading for their blogs is recent, I found that it isn't enough to rank them, any way, congratulation Anglo-libyan, u really deserve it...
and for all the rest great job libyan, keep it up :p
Salam Brave
How are you and hows your life there ? nice post mashaAllah
congrats Anglo you deserve it
brave are you serious about the worst blogger ? heheh I think no body gonna give you the vote !
fe aman Allah
Hi BH !
Where are youuuuuu ?
Why have you not posted yet???
Please do so .....
We are going to chant BRAVE HEART !
Have a lovely weekend !
May Allah bless you always.
UT im with you
Brave Heart
Brave Heart
Brave Heart
hey its me with new lnk bro
where are you ?
update don't be by this way
its boring make it active bro
Look I'll give you a week then I'll block this page forever
heheh kidding I can't do this
replace the old one with this link
fe aman Allah
salam Brave heart.
whats going on, why ur missing,
have u disappeared in the high mountains of scotland? or u have gone to the shetland islands to re attak a gain ,and re grouped.
Hey its a week
seriously where are you ?
fe aman Allah
salam BH, i am surprised for result, you sure it's do not have any trick !!!!!, cause my blog is the best, as i think and the award should be to me u know....I don't know who will get u wrong....congratulations to all the winners,,,,,,,,,,,algetaani
This can't have effect in actual fact, that is exactly what I consider.
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