1-First of all if you have advice to me about how I can blog a youtube clip tell me please, cos since I transfer to new blog by using my email as username I can’t blog any thing from youtube.
2- Eating habit, I told white African in her blog that I never cock before, and she can not believe that. I swear I don’t know how to cock, in Libya I was frying egg every day 2 some times 3 times a day but here I can say in nearly 3 years I fried egg 3 or 4 times only, my daily food is constant I think since I start study since last October
2 tuna +cheese + hareesa toasts, and one fruit cocktail, I never use the gas, I never use the microwave, I never buy rice or meat, one time when my friend Hamza was here we bought chicken and we didn’t know how to cock it, I think it remained one month in the refergrater, till it called the police and ask him to let us cock it.
My shopping is the same does not change since I came from Libya, always the same stuff, I’m shopping now from tesco and I believe I’m the fastest person in Uk do shopping because I know the places and straight away take the stuff and go to the till, I think it will not take 3 or 4 minutes to finish shopping. My shopping is 5 skimmed milk, 6 fruit cocktail, 6 tuna in brain, one bag of toast, 2 sweet corn, this my shopping since I came from Libya some times there are more stuff but not always.
3-these some pictures show that how I’m messy person and how my room is. i’m that kind of person who loves living inفووووووووووووووووووووووووووضى
Wow !!!! that all,
B.H. I am probably in a simular situation but i do cook, as shocking enough as a libyan i dont know how to cook Ambakbka, but i do Fajitas and all sorts of rice and curry dishes :) as i like food and as for organization, i sometimes think that i am a freak as my flat is always tidy and that probably coz i am never there lol
Anyway, I think all of these things are a matter of "Jawo" if you have it in you u will do if not then ........
lol @ brave, thats so funny, you must have few bills to pay, your not using any gas, hardly any electricity, remind me again why do you have a kitchen?
but still you have stuck to the essentials and the most important thing 'tuna and hareesa' dont forget the shahee as well.
interms of organisation, like akak said, it depends on the person and there shakseeyah, but you can always force yourself to do some organising, when my desk is a mess i like to call it organised chaos.
about youtube
copy the code that is usually on the right of the video Titled: Embed
then paste it in the Edit HTML section of a new post, thats it.
are you a member of FitnessFirst gym? I think the blue bottle is theirs.
like you I can not cook a thing, never did, never will, I just have no interest in cooking at all.
My advice to you, is seriously think about settling down and getting married, I got married in my early 30s, regarding your room, I am sure if your mother sees the pictures that she would be here on the first plane to sort you out!
come on brave heart tidy it up a bit and those electric plugs look very dangerous, be careful mate.
good luck
nharik a7raf ya braveheart! What is this 7osa!! Yallah, clean your room and show us before & after pictures! :)
How could you not buy Zaytoon! How can you eat a tuna and hareesa sandwitch without zaytoon. You got it all wrong my friend ;)
hey man i am shocked oh yes if ur mom see these pics she will have HTN , hey man u need someone to take care of ur that is for 100 % , ur life is messy ....
think about it ...lol...
i think ur mom is right that she wanted u to get marry , i am with her 100% :P
MUhahahahaha.. Well done brave. you really are brave!!! how can u fight these daily battles alone???
I mean.. I guess I am as messy as you, but you cannot cook??? 7eeeeeee 3ar!! Your missing many many Libyan genes mate! Loved the workstation though keeping it simple lolololol..
WA..The kitchen has a sink and the heating controls in it thats why its important :P
lolol@brave.. Itll soon be over matey... enjoy the freedom while it lasts, you can already sense from the ladies' comments what it'll probably be like between the talons of a woman when ur so...mohmel.. :D
salam bro
Greetings Brave Heart,
Indeed you are brave for your exposure. I know that if one eats too much garlic it will eventually start to come out of their pores and make the person smell like garlic. Tell me, do you smell like fish? At least your shopping skills show you are consistent, which is a good quality. Your living arrangements? Well my friend if you are hoping to not have guests come over, then bravo. I think you've accomplished a great barrier from keeping others out.
here is how to post a video clip from youtube.com
to the right of the clip, you will find a box inwhich you see Embed, use the code next to Embed and post it ib your post
LOL braveheart...lol masarleesh I am not gonna find u 3rosa,...lol hada sheno nharik inshallah gher dood bu sukkaiya mayatla3ish bess!!!..lol to tell u da truth I am a messy person too, but DO NOT COME CLOSE TO U...lol get a maid or watever to sort it out for u...regarding cooking u should start to learn, cuz it's sooooooooooo easy and FUN, u can actually imagine how u want da dish to taste like and give it a try, very easy wallahi, 7ut booh 3li khooh and u'll be good to go, rabe e3awen and I pray to Allah ur mom doesn't look at da pics..lol good luck and thanks for da laugh :o)
ياساتر يالطيف....هدا شنو يولد ...
بكل راهو حوسه كيف قادر تتأقلم مع كابوس الإعصار الي في حوشك
تعرفي لو اني اختك راني سليت خيوط التليفون من الجهاز و راهو حرمتك من الميراث باش اضم هالحوسه
وههههههه مابعدها الي بتاخدك
LOL brave, yah if you show this to your mom she'll not come, but she'll bug you even more with the marriage issue.. :oD even though you should do it by yourself or get a maid to do it for you..your future wife will get sick of cleaning after you! I think once a week cleaning up and tidying will do...
Also you need to eat healthy, tuna and canned fruits are no good for you dude, try to set a goal to change your habits for next week :o).. yalla good luck it's really tough :oS
And as Lebeeya said, take it as a challenge, clean it up, show us the before & after pictures, we are waiting!!!!
OMG u pissed me off wallahi lol
what was all that !! ???
if u see my room u'll be shocked i'm sure ,i can't do anything in my room unless everything in its right place !!
and the shopping i can't stay hours and hours just reading and doing all what u can never imagine
about the cooking i can't help u just let me know what do u need to cook !!
Sorry guys for being late, i've been very busy this week
at least u know some thing to do. u know i'm always have Jawo but i'm enjoying living in HOSA.
DO U BELIEVE I JUST paid £350 for electricity and gas for the last 3 month. about the kitchen i think Mani answer ur question.
i like the idea about organised chaos
Anglo Libyan:
i tried to do what u told me but no response from youtube.
u get it i'm member with FF is their bottle famous, about settling and getting married i started to thinking about but where i can find girl can deal with this chaos
hahaha long time i didn't hear this verse.i promise i'll post picture after a month from now.i think thats fair enough.
life's cycle:
pray my mum don't check my blogg.wallahi i know i need some take care of me but i can't find her. help me if u can.
yea mani i must enjoy the freedom be4 entering the prison. i start to think if i have already genes or no.
hahaha about fish thing, but u know till now i can't swim i don't know why i think i ate more than 1972635 fish but no improvement in my swimming skills.
welcome to my blog,i tried but no result i used to blog before but since i change my password things got wrong.
no no, please don't stop keep ur searching. no worries no dood i swear.i don't think there is maid can accept to clean my flat.men can't cock it's women issue plz don't change the life rule.
الى تبى تاخذنى لازم تقدر تكون super wife.
لكن وين اسلوب العنف حرمان من الميراث مرة وحده يا ساتر
i'll promise u i'll clean once a month. i think it's good for starting to change.i think if i post the after picture will commit suicide because the situation getting worse.
i thought u'll enjoyed because it's like artistic view, do u agree?
i need to know how to do 3esban if u can send me some
how can u live ib hal fawta !!!
God tooooooo much !
o laish 7arim nafsik min il akil !!
hello braveheart:
now i could see your point veiw in merrying 4 wives ,i think even 4 ladies wouldn't be enough to re- arrange all your stuff in the room.
it should be a psychological issue rather than a life style man.....
God help those four ...specially the first...LOL
loool no it's not art at all , sorry but i can't stop laughing lol
it's ok i used to be miss messy and OMG i hate washing and cleaning anything so inshallah u'll be like me soon " the way i am now !!!"
3osban ???? com on !!!!!! give me a break !!lol
Welcome back Braveheart! Where were you? I
advice me sister how can i sort every thing out.
alhmdullih you got the picture now, why u don't be number one.
i believe i'll never be an organized person.
come on osban is very easy to eat.
thanks for asking, i was looking for arosa after u disoppinted me and don't find one for me.
Brave heart, god help your future wife (alaah yi3eeenhaa 3aleaak) after I saw your great pics I really appreciate my fiancé more and more and I love him more and more he is very tidy.
Knock Knock !!! anyone home :P
Where u been BR? longtime
yeah dude ween e7'tafeet???
personal I am not shocked from these pictures, since my room is only a little bit better.
I don't throw my books on flour, they are distributed on the desk
but for cooking how come you don't know how to cook Ambakbka???
this is the simplest thing on earth.
yeah brave how come u dont know how to cook embakebka..
besides.. where have u been man??.. post something new pls.. or is it getting really busy at uni?
braaaaaaaaaaaave helooooooooooooo brave where are youuuuuuuuuuu.
hope your ok, so long as your busy nothing else inshallah.
a_akak, mani, WA:
thank u for asking,i'm really was very busy.
i promise if i find her i'll help her sometimes, don't judge ur fiancé, wait until marriage, cos we men always looking good, smart and helpful be4 marriage. ;)
i'm happy to find someone share me the same habits, the book in the floor cos the desk was full as well. i just can put paste in water wait 15 minutes and eat it as it is just plain paste.
Hi Brave, I am glad you still alive with a diet like this, jk ;o) , and what’s happened to your room looks like a bomb hit it, no wonder you can’t find aroosa jk again ;o) .. what you need is a trip to Argos get an easy to set up wardrobe that’s would make wonders in your room. I used to be like yourself ( in cooking department that is) when I arrived to this country I couldn’t boil an egg, but after lots of failed tries I managed to get by, so give it a try you wont regret it.. good luck .
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